The benefits of outsourcing IT Services in Durban

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What is IT Outsourcing?

IT outsourcing is the use of external or third party IT companies to deliver IT services to a business.

The drawbacks of having in house IT staff

Having in-house IT staff can be a costly endeavour for small and medium sized companies (SMEs) in South Africa. Finding the right people for the job can be a challenge especially if the interviewer is not well versed in the myriad of IT qualifications out there. There is also the regulatory and human resource burden to consider. Other challenges to consider would be what happens when your IT employee is off sick or resigns suddenly?! Who then ensures that issues are resolved timeously without disruption to business?! This role often falls to non-IT staff within a business, thereby splitting their focus areas.

Outsourcing your IT Support alleviates all these issues and also saves you money versus hiring a full time IT employee.

Why outsource your IT?

Here are some reasons why you should consider outsourcing your businesses IT to a trusted and trusted and reputable IT Services company:

  1. You benefit from a access to a technical team with a high range of skills with vast experience.
  2. You don’t need to worry about HR issues.
  3. Let experts in their field take care of your IT problems while you focus on what you do best (running your business)
  4. You always have someone available when you need them.
  5. Makes for simple budgeting.
  6. Makes supporting your remote workforce simpler.

If you are ready to take the first step in your IT outsourcing journey, give us a call on 031 279 8030 or email us on and setup a free consult with us.

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